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Water Testing

Eurofins Analytical Services Pvt. Ltd. serve numerous Industries and our team of highly experienced and certified experts empowers us to offer professional support in diverse testing domains like

  • Water Analysis
  • Waste water Analysis
  • Microbiological Analysis

Eurofins offers a comprehensive water testing service for manufacturers of packaged drinking water, food products and beverages. With state-of the-art facility and the latest analytical methodology, Eurofins offers complete analysis which includes Physico - chemical analysis, PAHs, PCBs, heavy metals, microbiological detection, trihalomethane, pesticides, radioactive test and other miscellaneous tests.

eurofins water testing

EVALUATION OF Water and Wastewater

The professionals at Eurofins Analytical water testing labs deem that the quality of water bodies is extremely essential and facilitates to ensure the accurate water quality required for one’s need. The analysis services offered are in accordance to National and International Standard guidelines of testing and analysis.

The types of water tested includes-

  • Drinking water as per IS 10500
  • Packaged Drinking Water as per IS 14543
  • Natural Mineral Water as per IS 13428
  • Process Water IS 4251
  • Reverse Osmosis Water
  • Water testing as per WHO
  • Waste Water
  • ETP, STP
  • Surface and ground water for portability
  • Water for construction
  • Reagent grade water
  • Water for processed food industry
  • Irrigation process
  • Swimming pool water
  • Leachate Water

Eurofins Analytical Services Pvt. Ltd labs performs Testing of Water and Soil for:




·   PH

·   Boron

.   MPN

·   Odour

·   Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)

.  Bacterial Endotoxine test

·   Conductivity

·   Electrical Conductivity (EC)

.  Vibrio Parahaemolyticus

·   Turbidity

·   Nitrogen

·   Escherichia Coli

·   Total dissolve solids

·   Organic carbon/matter (chemical /            gravimetric method)

·   Total Coliform

·   Choloride

·   pH

·   Fecal coliforms

·   Alkalinity

·   Colour

·   Faecal streptococci

·   Hardness

·   Phosphorous (available)

·   Staphylococcus aureus

·   Calicum

·   Phosphate (ortho)

·   Sulphite-Reducing Anaerobes

·   Magnesium

·   Phosphate (total)

·   Pseudomonas aeruginosa

·   Flouride

·   Potassium

·   Aerobic Microbial count

·   Nitrate Nitrogen

·   SAR in soil extract

·   Yeast and Mould count

·   Nitrite Nitrogen

·   Sodium

·   Salmonella

·   Iron

·   Soil moisture

·   Shigella

·   Sulphate

·   TKN

·   Vibrio cholerae

·   Boron

·   Ammonia

·   Vibrio parahaemolyticus

·   Sodium

·   Bicarbonate

·   Bacillus Cereus

·   Potassium

·   Calcium carbonate

·   Bacterial Endotoxin

·   Residual free chlorine

·   Chloride

·  Clostridium Perfringens

·   Total Suspended Solids

·   Colour

·    Legionella

·   Oil & grease

·   sodium percentage


·   Acidity

·   Heavy metals


·   Sulphide

·   Magnesium


·   Phosphate

·   Nitrate


·   Volatile solids

·   Nitrite


·   Fixed dissolved solids

·   Sulphate


·   Hexavalent chromium

·   Sulphur


·   Sulphite

·   Kjeldhal Nitrogen


·   Phenolic compounds

·   Aluminium


·   Total solids

·   Arsenic


·   Cadmium (Cd)

·   Antimony


·   Chromium (Cr) Total

·   Barium


·   Copper (Cu)

·   Bulk Density


·   Lead (Pb)

·   Cadmium


·   Mercury (Hg)

·   Chromium


·   Nickel (Ni)

·   Cobalt


·   Sodium absorption ratio     (SAR)

·   Copper


·   Zinc (Zn)

·   Lead


·   Arsenic (As)

·   Manganese


·   Aluminium (Al)

·   Mercury


·   Beryllium (Be)

·   Nickel


·   Barium (Ba)

·   Selenium


·   Lithium (Li)

·   Silver


·   Manganese (Mn)

·   Sodium


·   Silver (Ag)

·   Zinc


·   Strontium (Sr)

    Water holding capacity


·   Tin (Sn)



·   Antimony (Sb)



·   Cobalt (Co)



·   Pesticide Residues



·   Carbonates



·   Bicarbonates



·   Residual sodium carbonate



·   Sodium absorption ratio



·   Percent sodium



·   Chloramines



·   Cyanide



·   Anionic Detergents



·   Trihalomethanes






·   TOC’s *Performed in group lab



·   Iodine



·   Silica



·   Bioassay



·   Organic nitrogen



·   carbon dioxide



·   O2 absorbed in 4hrs



·   Sludge volume index



·   Settleable solids



·   Ammonical nitrogen



·   Dissolved oxygen



·   Biochemical oxygen demand



·   Chemical oxygen demand




Uranium testing in water

Reports suggested that Uranium is known for its radioactivity and toxicity. Furthermore, it also possesses carcinogenic potency. Chronic exposure to Uranium is reportedly known to cause kidney damage. The possible sources for uranium exposure to humans include – fertilizers, phosphate fertilization, soils, agricultural land, drinking water and many more.

Many studies reported drinking water as a source of uranium contamination. Considering this, Eurofins is offering Uranium testing in drinking water as per IS 10500, WHO and IS 14543, IS 3025 standards and regulations.


Benefits of using Eurofins

  • Fast delivery times
  • High analysis capacity
  • Competitive prices
  • Expert advisers with in-depth knowledge of the method, available and at your service
  • Accredited analysis 
  • A customer service that ensures the personalized follow-up of your samples
  • Online access to your samples and the ability to download your results via the EOL platform (Eurofins OnLine)
